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I offer you my deepest gifts of sacred witnessing, deep listening and a loving and compassionte, fierce and gentle presence.

I invite and encourage you to bring your full self, in radical vulnerability and tenderness.


In deep pain , grief and sorrow, heartbreak and joy,
I will meet you right where you are.



Sound is medicine for the soul. It is felt and heard in every cell of your body. It nourishes and soothes your whole being.



Music is a universal language, expression beyond words. Playing music is my life long spiritual practice. I weave music into my work as a healing tool, as well as offer various intimate performances.



What parts of you need tending, nurturing, renewal, healing? Experience mind body soul integration, restorative rest and nourish yourself to the core.



Where do you feel grief in your body?

What words, voice, movement, or sound, wants to be expressed?

The medicine and healing is in the allowing and meeting what’s here in present moment.

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My offerings blend body centered practices and expressive arts as primary healing modalities. They are portals into the soul. This work brings you more into your body, accessing innate wisdom and authentic expression .

  • Individual Sessions

  • Services for women touched by cancer

  • Sound Soul Journies

  • Retreats & Workshops

  • Ceremonies & Rituals

  • Sound for Events

  • Soul Collage

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I feel most alive and embodied when playing music, expressing through sound, voice and movement and when I am out in nature, connected to the earth.

My passion lies in the exploration of what opens my heart and how my body and soul wisdom are tended to and expressed.

I am touched and moved by sorrow and joy, grief and loss, beauty and longing and the humility of being human. I bring to you deep wisdom and inspiration from my own 24-year healing journey. 

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Collage gives voice through imagery. It enhances self discovery. It moves beyond the mind, accessing imagination and intuition.

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— Julia Fehrenbacher

I am making a home inside myself.
A shelter of kindness where everything is forgiven, everything allowed—a quiet patch of sunlight to stretch out without hurry, where all that has been banished and buried is welcomed, spoken, listened to—released.
A fiercely friendly place I can claim as my very own. I am throwing arms open to the whole of myself—especially the fearful, fault-finding, falling apart, unfinished parts, knowing every seed and weed, every drop of rain, has made the soil richer.
I will light a candle, pour a hot cup of tea, gather around the warmth of my own blazing fire.
I will howl if I want to, knowing this flame can burn through any perceived problem, any prescribed perfectionism, any lying limitation, every heavy thing.
I am making a home inside myself where grace blooms in grand and glorious abundance, a shelter of kindness that grows all the truest things.
I whisper hallelujah

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