A bit more about my background, work and practices:
Licensed Clinical Social Worker, 1999, specializing in Expressive Arts Therapy San Jose State/ UC Santa Cruz.
Private Psychotherapy Practice, Blended in Jungian , Transpersonal, Depth Psychology, Sand Tray, Collage. Specialized in Grief and Loss, Death and Dying, Cancer support.
Hospice Social worker for 13 yrs. Hospice Work has been one of the most profound life changing experiences. I played music at the bedside for hundreds of patients and provided emotional /spiritual support to individuals and families in preparation for end of life.
Intensive Immersion Study in Carhuaz, Peru with Sound Shaman, Tito La Rosa
Facilitated art, movement, music groups for women cancer survivors at Sutter Women’s Health, Santa Rosa, Ca
Mental Health Therapist at Petaluma Health Center for 8 yrs: worked with diverse range of population experiencing severe PTSD/Trauma, addiction, depression.
Military Health Therapist, providing individual and family reintegration counseling for soldiers returning from Iraq and Iran. Ansbach ,Germany
Completed Sound Healing Practitioner program; California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco, Ca.